While many people research more advanced systems such as solar to improve overall energy efficiency for their homes, one of the most effective things you can do is to upgrade your HVAC system. Modern systems are more efficient, less prone to repairs and extra maintenance, and generally friendlier on your wallet, saving up to 45% on your energy costs.
The Benefits of Upgrading Your HVAC System for Energy Efficiency
Older HVAC systems, even if still in good working order are generally less efficient than modern systems with Energy Star ratings. If your HVAC system is more than 10 years old, it’s likely that it uses far more energy to cool your house than a newer system would.
Just how much of a difference can you expect when upgrading your system, though?
Older HVAC systems can have many issues. Yours may be improperly sized for your home, poorly installed, or improperly maintained by the prior owners. It may simply be an older model that didn’t utilize the same technologies as today’s most efficient systems.
An upgrade to one of the more efficient systems on the model can improve the energy consumption rate for your home by between 20-45%. That’s a huge difference for a system that is on for months at a time each year.
Choosing the Right HVAC Replacement
There are several factors to consider when choosing an HVAC replacement. Some of the most important include:
- Efficiency Rating – If your system is old enough, even the most basic models will be more efficient. But for top rated Energy Star models, the savings can be substantially higher. A top of the line HVAC system can be as much as 15% more efficient than standard models.
- System Sizing – The size of your system is equally important. A common mistake is to choose a system that is bigger than your home needs. This leads to frequent cycling as the system turns off and on, resulting in excess energy use, condensation in the home, and possible issues like mold growth. Professional installers can size a system for your home that is a perfect fit for your square footage and usage.
- Proper Installation – Improper installation can result in as much as a 30% decrease in efficiency in your system. Work with a licensed professional to ensure it is properly installed for optimal performance.
Keeping Your New System Efficient
But it’s important to keep your system operating at peak efficiency to avoid a drop off in that consumption rate over time. Routine maintenance to keep every part of your system in top condition, regular inspection throughout the year by yourself, and prompt repairs if a problem does occur will all help to keep your HVAC system running smoothly.
If you are tired of your excessive energy bills from cooling and would like to learn more about how a top of the line Energy Star rated HVAC system can help to reduce your costs, we can help.